
Nominations for new GO2NE working group members

Deadline: 23 October 2024

"The Global Ocean Oxygen Network expert working group is seeking nominations for new members to join in place of several incumbent members that are rotating out in the next 6-12 months.

Over a 3-year term, with the possibility to extend to two terms, GO2NE members advise the IOC-UNESCO Secretariat and its Member States on the threat of oxygen loss in the ocean and related scientific priorities. GO2NE is committed to providing a global and multidisciplinary view of ocean deoxygenation, with a focus on understanding its multiple aspects and impacts. Furthermore, GO2NE developed the framework of the Global Ocean Oxygen Decade (GOOD) as part of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, which is working to provide knowledge for action and develop mitigation and adaptation strategies and solutions to ensure continued provision of ecosystem services. More on GO2NE and GOOD can be found on their respective webpages. 

The call is open to anyone that can demonstrate a strong interest in oxygen in the marine environment. Preference will be given to nominees with experience in biological oceanography, socio-economics, and social science.

To nominate yourself or someone else, please submit your nomination to the GO2NE Secretariat by 23 October 2024 with the following information:

  • Name, affiliation & email address
  • A statement of expertise and experience pertaining to ocean oxygen (300 words)
  • A statement of suitability to sit on an international scientific steering committee (300 words)

The current GO2NE members will consider the candidates that fit best to enhance GO2NE’s global representation of all aspects of research on ocean deoxygenation. We will inform the nominees of the results of the selection process by mid December 2024. GO2NE actively encourages applications from under-represented groups and is committed to diversity and gender balance. For inquires or more information, please contact the GO2NE Secretariat."

../common/calendar Start Date: 10/23/24

Ocean deoxygenation session at XMAS 2025

Session 15: Ocean deoxygenation: drivers, trends, and biogeochemical-ecosystem impacts 
Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences 2025 (XMAS 2025) in Xiamen, China
January 14th to 17th, 2025

"XMAS 2025 consists of interdisciplinary cutting-edged sessions covering physical, chemical, and biological oceanography as well as marine pollution. In addition, workshops on emerging topics in marine environmental sciences such as ocean-based carbon dioxide removal, ocean governance and sustainability, the marine economy, marine education and outreach, and special sessions on Women in Science and mentoring future scientists will also be offered. More sessions and updates can be found on the XMAS 2025 website:

The abstract submission is open by September 20th, 2024, 18:00 CET on Your contribution to either session is welcomed."

../common/calendar Start Date: 1/14/25

PAGES Mobility Fellowships

Application deadline for PAGES (Past Global Changes) Mobility Fellowships closing on 15 August 2024

"There are two types, one for mobility within Africa and one within Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).
These fellowships are meant to promote mobility of early career researchers from one country within the region to another country within the same region, typically for one month. Deadline for both is 15 August 2024."

For further information, please visit here for Africa and here for LAC

../common/calendar Start Date: 8/15/24

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Thursday, 11th July 2024, 15:30 h – 16:30 CEST

Registration link

Please join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a new session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation. The webinar will feature presentations by two ocean oxygen experts, followed by moderated discussion sessions. Speakers will discuss the latest globally relevant ocean oxygen research in the context of their fields of research and expertise.

If you are interested in presenting at one of the upcoming webinars, please submit a short abstract here.

Jeremy Sterling
Ocean Science Section, IOC-UNESCO

Houssine Nibani
Integrated Management of East Mediterranean Coastlines (IMAC), Morocco

Simone Moretti
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany

If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars, please register here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 7/11/24

Ocean deoxygenation session in AGU meeting 2024 - Abstract submission

Call for Abstracts closing on 31 July 2024

AGU (American Geophysical Union) annual meeting 2024, Washington, D.C., 9-13 December 2024

A session on ocean deoxygenation will be held during the AGU meeting in Washington, D.C., during the second week of December. 

The abstract submission will close on July 31st. 

For further information, please visit here

../common/calendar Start Date: 7/31/24

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 15:00 h – 16:00 CEST

Registration link

Join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a special session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation to mark World Ocean Day 2024. The 29th webinar will take place on 12 June 2024, 1500 CEST. The webinar will feature presentations by GO2NE Co-Chairs Andreas Oschlies and Caroline Slomp and expert working group member Karin Limburg, speaking on the latest global scientific efforts to understand, mitigate and adapt to ocean deoxygenation and the most recent work of GO2NE and its members. 

If you are interested in presenting at one of the upcoming webinars, please submit a short abstract here.


Andreas Oschlies (GEOMAR, Germany)
Caroline Slomp (Radboud University, The Netherlands)
Karin Limburg (SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, USA)

If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars, please register here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 6/12/24

In-person satellite event regarding eutrophication and hypoxia

In-person satellite event "New approaches to combat eutrophication and hypoxia" 

April 9th, 17:00 – 20:00 CEST at Tech Barcelona, Pier 07, Barcelona

"The event takes place before the opening day of the United Nations 2024 Ocean Decade Conference on the 10-12 April.

This joint event presents new approaches to combat hypoxia and eutrophication through the GEF-8 Clean and Healthy Ocean Integrated Program (CHO-IP) and facilitates connections for co-designed action.
Following the event, attendees and speakers can exchange views over refreshments.

A programme is attached. Attendance does not require registration to the Ocean Decade Conference, but separate registration to this event specifically is required. You can register by clicking below.

Please note that no travel support is offered to attend this event."

You can register for the event here

You can find the programme here

../common/calendar Start Date: 4/9/24

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Wednesday, 3rd April 2024, 14:00 h – 15:00 CEST

Registration link

Please join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a new session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation. The 28th webinar will take place 3 April 2024, 14:00 h CEST. The webinar will feature presentations by a more senior and an early-career scientist, 20 minutes each, followed by 10-minute moderated discussion sessions. 

If you are interested to present at one of the upcoming webinars please submit a short abstract here.

Aileen Tan Shau Hwai
Centre For Marine & Coastal Studies, Unversiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Tom Hull
Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), United Kingdom
"Observing ocean oxygen in UK shelf seas"

Monaliza Mohd-Din
Marine Science Program, Faculty of Science and Marine Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
"High biomass diatom blooms induced the formation of hypoxic-anoxic zones in the inner part of Johor Strait"

If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars, please register here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 4/3/24

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Monday, 21st February 2024, 14:00 h – 15:00 CET

Registration link

Please join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a new session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation. The 27th webinar will take place 21 February 2024, 14:00 h CET. The webinar will feature presentations by a more senior and an early-career scientist, 20 minutes each followed by 10 minutes moderated discussion sessions. 

If you are interested to present at one of the upcoming webinars please submit a short abstract here.

Natalya Gallo
University of Bergen and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Norway

Martine Røysted Solås
University of Bergen and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Norway
"Vertical distribution of mesopelagic scattering layers under different oxygen conditions: Insights from a western Norwegian fjord"

Carl Reddin
GeoZentrum Nordbayern, Germany - Paleobiology, and Integrative Ecophysiology at AWI, Germany
"Warming-associated deoxygenation as a driver of marine extinction? The deep past and near future"

If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars please register here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 2/21/24

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Monday, 29th January 2024, 10:00 h – 11:00 CET

Registration link

Please join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a new session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation. The 26th webinar will take place 29 January 2024, 10:00 h CET. The webinar will feature presentations by a more senior and an early-career scientist, 20 minutes each followed by 10 minutes moderated discussion sessions. 

If you are interested to present at one of the upcoming webinars please submit a short abstract here.

Minhan Dai
Xiamen University, China

Yawei Shen
Xiamen University, China
"Will it be possible to shape the hypoxia tolerance of marine animals? A case study in aquaculture abalone"

Folco Giomi
Independent researcher, Italy
"Marine life on stage. A focus on oxygen availability to the scale of relevant players"

If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars please register here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 1/29/24

Global Ocean Oxygen Network on World Ocean Day 2024

Global Ocean Oxygen Network on World Ocean Day 2024

"In 2024, the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (GO2NE), an IOC-UNESCO working group under the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, is again planning to mark World Ocean Day (WOD) on June 8th by working together with institutions to hold a series of in-person and virtual outreach activities. Just as last year, the GO2NE reaching out to identify suitable institutions where these activities could take place, with the aim of supporting the delivery of informative events to advance knowledge on the risks and impacts of deoxygenation in the marine environment.

In 2023, partners across the globe organised in-person, interactive, and virtual science communication events. GO2NE hopes to further promote more events that may already be in the planning stages and to create opportunities to integrate ocean oxygen in planned and new outreach activities.

If you are already involved in a WOD event this year or know of a planned WOD event near you, please let us know. Suggestions of organisations who may be interested to host an event or integrate ocean oxygen in their event, as well as suggestions for potential expert participation in activities around the Day, are very welcome. The short form linked at the end of this page has been created to collect your suggestions and inputs. Your time is very much appreciated!

The GO2NE Secretariat looks forward to supporting the coordination and organisation of efforts to raise awareness of ocean deoxygenation around World Ocean Day and to share opportunities to engage in the hosting and attendance of events."

../common/calendar Start Date: 6/8/24

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Monday, 18th December 2023, 16:00 h – 17:00 CET

Registration link

Please join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a new session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation. The 25th webinar will take place 18 December 2023, 16:00 h CET. The webinar will feature presentations by a more senior and an early-career scientist, 20 minutes each followed by 10 minutes moderated discussion sessions. 

If you are interested to present at one of the upcoming webinars please submit a short abstract here.

Caroline Slomp
Radboud University / Utrecht University

Darci Rush
Royal NIOZ, The Netherlands
"Tracing past marine anoxia using lipid biomarkers"

Jannes Koelling
University of Washington, USA
"On the decadal variability of oxygen uptake, export, and storage in the Labrador Sea"

If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars please register here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 12/18/23

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Bioseminar

Title: "Microbially-Driven Shifts in Marine Nutrient Cycling in Response to Ocean Deoxygenation and Climate Change"

Speaker: Julia Huggins

Event Date:  -

"The oceans are currently losing dissolved oxygen (O2) as a result of climate change and human activity, which may have dramatic effects on biodiversity and global climate feedbacks. As O2 is depleted to near-anoxia in pelagic marine environments, microorganisms shift from aerobic respiration to anaerobic nitrogen-based metabolisms. Most conceptual and numerical models assume this shift will lead to nitrogen loss, but it can also lead to nitrogen retention depending on which microbial metabolism(s) engage. The controls regulating the relative activity and variability of these metabolisms remain uncertain, however, and this confounds our efforts to predict how the marine nitrogen cycle responds to deoxygenation and impacts other marine biogeochemical cycles. I conduct experiments with live marine microbial communities to measure how different nitrogen-based microbial metabolisms are regulated in the transition from oxic to anoxic conditions. I use a combination of stable nitrogen isotopes (15N) and bioinformatics technologies to increase our knowledge of how competing microbial metabolisms are regulated under variable environmental conditions and unstable resource availability. My work has implications for our biogeochemical models that predict ocean deoxygenation and related climate feedbacks."

You can find more information here and you can join the webinar here.

../common/calendar Start Date: 12/5/23

European Marine Board Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

Title: "Sailing for oxygen - how citizen science can help understand ocean deoxygenation"

Event Date:  -

"On Thursday 7 December 2023, EMB will host its 35th Third Thursday Science Webinar featuring Toste Tanhua who will speak about "Sailing for oxygen - how citizen science can help understand ocean deoxygenation".

This topic is linked to the science within the EMB Future Science Brief No. 10 'Ocean oxygen: the role of the Ocean in the oxygen we breathe and the threat of deoxygenation'.

Toste Tanhua is a Senior Scientist at GEOMAR (Germany) and chemical oceanographer. His work focuses on Ocean ventilation by observing transient tracers and conducting deliberate tracer release experiments to understand ventilation and mixing in the Ocean. He also works on understanding the dynamics of Ocean carbon, nutrients and oxygen. In addition, he is co-chairing the steering committee of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and coordinating the EU funded project EuroSea, that aims at improving the ocean observing and forecasting system."

You can find more information here and you can register for the webinar here.

../common/calendar Start Date: 12/7/23

Mentoring the next generation of ocean deoxygenation and acidification scientists


"UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC/UNESCO), El Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas (CEAZA) and the Universidad Catolica del Norte, as well as many other partners and sponsors organized the GOOD-OARS-CLAP-COPAS Summer School from 6-12 November 2023 in La Serena, Chile, to teach the latest science of ocean acidification and deoxygenation."


For further information, please read here

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Monday, 20th November 2023, 17:00 h – 18:00 CET

Registration link

Please join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a new session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation. The 24th webinar will take place 20 November 2023, 17:00 h CET. The webinar will feature presentations by two early-career scientists, 20 minutes each, followed by 10 minutes moderated discussion sessions.  

If you are interested to present at one of the upcoming webinars please submit a short abstract here.

Natalya Gallo
University of Bergen and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Norway

Xabier Davila Rodriguez
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, Norway
"On the Origins of Open Ocean Oxygen Minimum Zones"

Yassir Eddebbar
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, USA
"Oxygen supply in the tropical Pacific: A role for turbulence and mesoscale eddies"

If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars please register here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 11/20/23

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Wednesday, 11th October 2023, 16:00 h – 17:00 CEST

Registration link

Please join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a new session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation. The 23rd webinar will take place 11 October 2023, 16:00 h CEST. The webinar will feature presentations by a more senior and an early-career scientist, 20 minutes each followed by 10 minutes moderated discussion sessions. 

If you are interested to present at one of the upcoming webinars please submit a short abstract here.

Dimitri Gutierrez 
Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE)

Montserrat Aldunate 
Universidad de Concepción, Chile
"Effect of the oxygen minimum zone on eukaryotic and prokaryotic phytoplankton of the Eastern Tropical North and South Pacific Ocean"

Michelle Graco 
Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE)
"A Long-term Marine-coastal Observatory of low oxygen and acidification in the upwelling system off Peru"

If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars please register here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 10/11/23

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Wednesday, 13th September 2023, 17:00 h – 18:00 CEST

Registration link

Please join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a new session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation. The 22nd webinar will take place 13 September 2023, 17:00 h CEST. The webinar will feature presentations by a more senior and an early-career scientist, 20 minutes each followed by 10 minutes moderated discussion sessions. 

If you are interested to present at one of the upcoming webinars please submit a short abstract here.

Lisa Levin
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, USA

Natalya Gallo
University of Bergen and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Norway
"Trophic impacts of ocean deoxygenation: Disruption of bentho-pelagic coupling in oxygen minimum zone regions"

Anne Gro Vea Salvanes
University of Bergen, Norway
"The bearded goby (Sufflogobius bibarbatus): a hypoxia-tolerant little fish member of the Namibian Benguela Ecosystem"

If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars please register here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 9/13/23

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Wednesday, 26th July 2023, 13:00 h – 14:00 CEST

Registration link

Please join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a new session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation. The 21st webinar will take place 26 July 2023, 13:00 h CEST. The webinar will feature presentations by a more senior and an early-career scientist, 20 minutes each followed by 10 minutes moderated discussion sessions. 

If you are interested to present at one of the upcoming webinars please submit a short abstract here.

Damodar Shenoy
CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India

Sudheesh Valliyodan
Central University of Kerala, India
"Oxygen Minimum Zone dynamics of eastern Arabian Sea"

Zouhair Lachkar
New York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
"Recent and future trends in the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone: processes and uncertainties" 

If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars please register here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 7/26/23

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Monday, 19th June 2023, 15:00 h – 16:00 CEST

Registration link

Please join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a new session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation. The 20th webinar will take place 19 June 2023, 15:00 h CEST. The webinar will feature presentations by a more senior and an early-career scientist, 20 minutes each followed by 10 minutes moderated discussion sessions. 

If you are interested to present at one of the upcoming webinars please submit a short abstract here.

Andreas Oschlies
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany

Patricia Handmann
Lhyfe, France
"Potential Environmental Services of Offshore Hydrogen Production - Ocean Reoxygenation"

Bo Gustafsson
Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre, Stockholm, Sweden
"Mitigation of eutrophication and oxygen depletion in the Baltic Sea; challenges for science and management" 

If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars please register here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 6/19/23

Launch webinar of European Marine Board publication on Ocean Oxygen

"Please save the date for the online launch webinar of the new European Marine Board Future Science Brief 10 on “Ocean Oxygen: The role of the Ocean in the oxygen we breathe and the threat of deoxygenation”. A dedicated online launch will be on Tuesday 13 June at 14:00-15:30 CEST. 

The webinar will include a presentation of the document and its main messages, and a panel discussion on the issue of Ocean deoxygenation and the commonly used sentence “every second breath comes from the Ocean”, including an opportunity for Q&A. You can find more information about the webinar including a draft agenda here and register for the webinar via this link"

The EMB Future Science Brief on Ocean Oxygen can be found here:

../common/calendar Start Date: 6/13/23

Survey on ocean oxygen measurements and quality controls

"On behalf of the 'Global Ocean Oxygen Database and Atlas steering committee we are very happy to share a short survey (10 questions, less than 10 minutes).

Ocean oxygen data are a critical part to understand our ocean today and in the future. However, currently there is no common entry point to obtain ocean oxygen data of known quality from the open and coastal ocean, measured from Eulerian and Lagrangian platforms. Within the Ocean Decade Programme 'Global Ocean Oxygen Decade' (GOOD) an effort called 'Global Ocean Oxygen Database and ATlas' (GO2DAT) is trying to change this.

This survey is the first step to implement GO2DAT. We count on your cooperation to identify who, where and how ocean oxygen is measured, what type of quality checks and flags are applied. This information will be indispensable to have ocean oxygen data complying with the FAIR and CARE principles.

Please submit your response by 30 June 2023."

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Tuesday, 21st March 2023, 16:00 h – 17:00 CET

Registration link

Please join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a new session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation. The 19th webinar will take place 21 March 2023, 16:00 h CET. The webinar will feature presentations by a more senior and an early-career scientist, 20 minutes each followed by 10 minutes moderated discussion sessions. 

If you are interested to present at one of the upcoming webinars please submit a short abstract here.

Andreas Oschlies
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany

Haichao Guo
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany
"Can oxygen utilization rates track the long-term trend of mesopelagic respiration"

Javier Arístegui
Instituto de Oceanografía y Cambio Global, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
"Estimating dark-ocean respiration through ETS activity" 

If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars please register here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 3/21/23

Frontiers in Marine Science special issue on ocean deoxygenation: Call for papers

Call for paper manuscripts

We would like to draw your attention to a call for paper manuscripts for a special issue on "Constraining Uncertainties in Hindcasts and Future Projections of Marine Deoxygenation" in Frontiers in Marine Science.

The paper manuscript submission deadline is 7 April 2023.

Further information

ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2023: Registration and Abstract Submission

Call for Abstract and Early Registration closing on 23 February 2023

ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2023: 4–9 June 2023 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Resilience and Recovery in Aquatic Systems

Sessions on ocean oxygen, deoxygenation, anoxia, and hypoxia:

  • SS015 Deoxygenation in the Past, Present and Future Ocean
  • SS050 Disentangling Complex Long-Term pH and O2 Trends in Coastal and Estuarine Systems From Global and Regional Drivers
  • SS107 Oxic-Anoxic Interfaces: Pathways, Dynamics and Exchanges

For further information, please visit the event's homepagesessions list, registration information, and abstract preparation guide

ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2023

ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2023: 4–9 June 2023 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Resilience and Recovery in Aquatic Systems

"Concepts of resilience and recovery do not only apply to aquatic ecosystems but also to societies when faced with disruptions and crises. Past events have shown that adaptability and decisiveness are important keys to resilience and recovery. Disruptions are opportune moments for setting up strategies for management and recovery. Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, ASLO meetings have adapted by transforming the ASM 2021 Palma meeting to virtual with a positive attitude that in 2023 we will recover and meet in-person. Positivity is also an important factor.  We do not dwell on problems, but we try to look for solutions and get united for whatever crisis we face.  
We will incorporate the theme of resilience and recovery in aquatic systems into the plenary sessions and encourage submissions that examine these topics and invite you to contribute special sessions on topics relevant to freshwater and marine ecosystems."

Sessions on ocean oxygen, deoxygenation, anoxia, and hypoxia:

  • SS015 Deoxygenation in the Past, Present and Future Ocean
  • SS050 Disentangling Complex Long-Term pH and O2 Trends in Coastal and Estuarine Systems From Global and Regional Drivers
  • SS107 Oxic-Anoxic Interfaces: Pathways, Dynamics and Exchanges

For further information, please visit the event's homepage and sessions list

../common/calendar Start Date: 6/4/23

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Wednesday, 8 February 2023, 17:00 h – 18:00 CET

Registration link

Please join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a new session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation. The 18th webinar will take place 8 February 2023, 17:00 h CET. This webinar will break from our usual format by featuring presentations from two early-career scientists. Each speaker will have 20 minutes to present their work and a 10 minute moderated discussion session.

Sean Crowe
Departments of Microbiology and Immunology, and Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences,
The University of British Columbia, Canada

Kohen Bauer
Ocean Networks Canada,
University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
"Ocean anoxia in deep time: Multiple episodes of rapid ocean deoxygenation during the Cretaceous"

Daniel Mills
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Paleontology & Geobiology,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany
"The control of dissolved O2 on the diversity of microbial eukaryotes over geologic time"

If you are interested to present at one of the upcoming webinars please submit a short abstract here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 2/8/23

Nature Scientific Reports collection on ocean hypoxia: Call for papers

Call for paper manuscripts

We would like to draw your attention to a new collection on ocean hypoxia in Scientific Reports.

The paper manuscript submission deadline is 4 April 2023.

For further information about the call, visit:

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Thursday, 8th December 2022, 14:00 h – 15:00 CET

Registration link

Please join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a new session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation. The 17th webinar will take place 8  December 2022, 14:00 h CET. The webinar will feature presentations by a more senior and an early-career scientist, 20 minutes each followed by 10 minutes moderated discussion sessions. 

If you are interested to present at one of the upcoming webinars please submit a short abstract here.

Gil Jacinto
Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines

Lara Sotto
Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines
"Hypoxia in Manila Bay: Insights from Fieldwork, Nutrient Load and Hydrodynamic Modeling"

Aileen Tan Shau Hwai
Centre For Marine & Coastal Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
"Fish Kills in Malaysia" 

If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars please register here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 12/8/22

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Thursday, 20th October 2022, 16:00 h – 17:00 CEST

Registration link

Please join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a new session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation. The 16th webinar will take place 20 October 2022, 16:00 h CEST. The webinar will feature presentations by a more senior and an early-career scientist, 20 minutes each followed by 10 minutes moderated discussion sessions. 

If you are interested to present at one of the upcoming webinars please submit a short abstract here.

Grant Pitcher
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, South Africa

Annette Carlson
University of Connecticut, USA
"Assessing drivers of oxygen dynamics in the southern Benguela Upwelling System through the combined application of models and observations"

Bronwen Currie
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia
"Oxygen calls the shots in the Northern Benguela Upwelling System off Namibia" 

If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars please register here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 10/20/22

EBUS Conference 2022 - Registration

Registration is now open 

EBUS Conference: September 19 - 23, 2022 in Lima, Peru

"The Open Science Conference on Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS): Past, Present and Future and the Second International Conference on the Humboldt Current System are planned for September 19 - 23 in Lima, Peru. Although the conference aims to be in-person, options for virtual participation will be provided.

The meeting will bring together PhD students, early career scientists and world experts to understand, review, and synthesize what is known about dynamics, sensitivity, vulnerability and resilience of Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems and their living resources to climate variability, change and extreme events."

Registration ("early bird" deadline: August 30, 2022).

For further information please visit the event's homepage.

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Tuesday, 23 August 2022, 23:00 h – 24:00 CEST

Registration link

Please join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a new session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation. The 15th webinar will take place 23 August 2022, 23:00 h CEST. The webinar will feature presentations by a more senior and an early-career scientist, 20 minutes each followed by 10 minutes moderated discussion sessions. 

If you are interested to present at one of the upcoming webinars please submit a short abstract here.

Jodie Rummer
James Cook University, Australia

Ariel Pezner
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, USA
"Coral reef hypoxia: Present-day exposure and projections under warming"

David Suggett
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
"Unlocking the vulnerability of reef-forming corals to deoxygenation"

If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars please register here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 8/23/22

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation

GO2NE Webinar on Ocean Deoxygenation. 

"Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Wednesday, 13th July 2022, 17:00 h – 18:00 CET

Registration link

Please join the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) for a new session of its webinar series on ocean deoxygenation. The 14th webinar will take place 13 July 2022, 17:00 h CET. The webinar will feature presentations by a more senior and an early-career scientist, 20 minutes each followed by 10 minutes moderated discussion sessions. 

If you are interested to present at one of the upcoming webinars please submit a short abstract here.

Moriaki Yasuhara
The University of Hong Kong

Huai-Hsuan May Huang
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, USA
"Reconstructing biotic responses to deoxygenation in the geological past based on microfossils"

Curtis Deutsch
Princeton University, USA
"Metabolic Index predicts the Temperature Size Rule"

If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars please register here." 

../common/calendar Start Date: 7/13/22

EBUS Conference 2022

EBUS Conference: September 19 - 23, 2022 in Lima, Peru

"The Open Science Conference on Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS): Past, Present and Future and the Second International Conference on the Humboldt Current System are planned for September 19 - 23 in Lima, Peru. Although the conference aims to be in-person, options for virtual participation will be provided.

The meeting will bring together PhD students, early career scientists and world experts to understand, review, and synthesize what is known about dynamics, sensitivity, vulnerability and resilience of Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems and their living resources to climate variability, change and extreme events."

For further information please visit the event's homepage.

../common/calendar Start Date: 9/19/22

EBUS Conference 2022 - Call for Abstracts closing tomorrow

Call for Abstracts closing tomorrow

EBUS Conference: September 19 - 23, 2022, in Lima, Peru

This is a quick reminder that the abstract submission deadline for the EBUS Conference 2022 ends tomorrow, May 7, 2022.

Please visit the event's homepage for further information. 

EBUS Conference 2022 - Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts closing April 15, 2022

EBUS Conference: September 19 - 23, 2022 in Lima, Peru

"The Open Science Conference on Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS): Past, Present and Future and the Second International Conference on the Humboldt Current System are planned for September 19 - 23 in Lima, Peru. Although the conference aims to be in-person, options for virtual participation will be provided.

The meeting will bring together PhD students, early career scientists and world experts to understand, review, and synthesize what is known about dynamics, sensitivity, vulnerability and resilience of Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems and their living resources to climate variability, change and extreme events."

Abstract submission (deadline: April 15, 2022).

For further information please visit the event's homepage.

EGU General Assembly 2021

Aims & scope

The EGU General Assembly 2021 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience. The EGU is looking forward to cordially welcoming you at its General Assembly.

Abstract submission

../common/calendar Start Date: 4/19/21

New Webinar Series on Ocean Deoxygenation

Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

Wednesday, 9th December 2020, 15:00 h – 16:00 h CET

The Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) starts a new series on ocean deoxygenation. The second webinar will take place 9 December 2020. The speakers will present latest science on the impacts of reduced oxygen in the open ocean and coastal zones. Each webinar will feature two presentations by a more senior and an earlier-career scientist, 20 minutes each followed by 10 minutes moderated discussion sessions.

to register please click here.

New Webinar Series on Ocean Deoxygenation

New Webinar Series on Ocean Deoxygenation
Do you want to know more about deoxygenation in the ocean?
Join us for the upcoming webinar!

The Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE) starts a new series on ocean deoxygenation. The first webinar will take place 11 November 2020. The speakers will present latest science on the impacts of reduced oxygen in the open ocean and coastal zones. Each webinar will feature two presentations by a more senior and an earlier-career scientist, 20 minutes each followed by 10 minutes moderated discussion sessions.

When? Wednesday, 11th November 2020, 14:00 h – 15:00 h CET

To register please click here.

NOAA, partners to report on 2020 Gulf of Mexico ‘dead zone’ monitoring cruise

NOAA and its partners will report on their recent research cruise to measure the extent of the hypoxic or “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico during a media teleconference on Tue., Aug. 4 at 11:00 a.m. EDT.

In June, NOAA scientists forecasted this summer’s dead zone – an area of low to no oxygen that can kill fish and other marine life – to be approximately 6,700 square miles. That is larger than the long-term average measured size of 5,387 square miles, but substantially less than the record of 8,776 square miles set in 2017.


Visit the announcement here.

EGU General Assembly 2020

Aims & scope

The EGU General Assembly 2020 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience. The EGU is looking forward to cordially welcoming you in Vienna.

Abstract submission (deadline: 15 January 2020, 13:00 CET)

For further information please visit the event's homepage.


../common/calendar Start Date: 5/3/20

Ocean Sciences Meeting


The Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) is the flagship conference for the ocean sciences and the larger ocean-connected community.  As we approach the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, beginning in 2021, it is increasingly important to gather as a scientific community to raise awareness of the truly global dimension of the ocean, address environmental challenges, and set forth on a path towards a resilient planet. 

The Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020 is co-sponsored by AGU, the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), and The Oceanography Society (TOS).  Through the combined power of these three organizations, along with the broader conservation-focused community, this meeting provides attendees the opportunity to bridge disciplines, connect communities, and make lasting partnerships. 

Visit the event homepage for more information and submit abstracts here.

../common/calendar Start Date: 2/16/20

AGU Fall Meeting 2019

As AGU marks its Centennial in 2019, we return to San Francisco, the home of the Fall Meeting for more than 40 years. Join our diverse community at the newly renovated Moscone Center as we collaborate across borders and boundaries to explore and develop our research. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to participate in Centennial presentations and special events that will bring to life the past, present and the future of our science.

Today we experience "Science at the Speed of Life." Fall Meeting will prepare you for what’s ahead: rapid developments in our science, new approaches to observing our Earth and beyond, the introduction of new data streams, growing demand for accessible science, the expansion of convergent science, and more. There is no better place than Fall Meeting to look into the future and develop your skills and your understanding of other disciplines at the same time.

At Fall Meeting, we will draw inspiration from each other and will show how earth and space science enables a more resilient and sustainable future for all.

Read more about the conference on the official website.

../common/calendar Start Date: 12/8/19

World Congress  on Climate Change

2nd World Congress  on Climate Change will be held during September 26-28, 2019 at Berlin, Germany.Climate Change-2019 is an excellent platform for professionals and who are working in the field.

The annual conference creates a platform for experts interaction, simultaneously with networking opportunities and also provides an opportunity to explore the innovative ideas of the other communities, companies and associations.Climate Change -2019 conference includes Plenary lectures, Keynote lectures and short courses by eminent personalities from around the world in addition to contributed papers both oral and poster presentations.

It aims to discover advances, practical experiences and innovative ideas on issues related to Climate Change as well as a breadth of other topics. Don t miss this opportunity to connect with your peers at this scientific event. Your participation in the conference will enhance your knowledge and professional skills.

This International Conference on Climate Change is a gathering of experts, professionals, academicians and researchers from all over the world. Meet experts, strengthen and update your ideas at Climate change-2019.

Read more about the conference on the official website.


../common/calendar Start Date: 9/25/19

International Conference on Paleoceanography

The conference will be hosted at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). UNSW is located close to one of the most iconic beaches in Australia and a short bus ride away from Sydney's central business district.

Following the traditional ICP format, the conference will be organised around invited plenary oral presentations as well as large and vibrant poster sessions. Networking will be at the centre of the ICP, with numerous social events including the Paleomusicology concert and conference dinner.

The lively city of Sydney has a rich cultural heritage and offers adventure and entertainment for all ages and tastes. Breathtaking coastal national parks, the Blue Mountains and the Hunter Valley, known for Australia’s finest wines, are only a daytrip away.

A range of existing pre- and post- Conference field trips will be organised in New South Wales, New Zealand and potentially the Great Barrier Reef. For those with time for exploring, Sydney is the gateway to iconic travel locations including the Great Barrier Reef, Uluru, and Kakadu National Park.

Read more about the conference on the official website.


../common/calendar Start Date: 9/1/19

Oceans 2019

OCEANS is the bi-annual event for global marine technologists, engineers, students, government officials, lawyers, and advocates. These industry thought leaders gather for four days to highlight relevant topics and current trends, while creating a community of learners and influencers who consistently advance research, practices, and policies for the marine field.

The Marine Technology Society and the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society partner to present OCEANS, and this prestigious conference and exhibition draws an audience of more than 2,000 attendees:

  • Over 800 professionally reviewed technical papers, including sessions focused on local themes.
  • Plenary sessions with leaders from industry, academia, the military and government.
  • 100+ exhibitors showcasing the latest innovations in products and services.
  • A student poster session featuring outstanding projects from around the world and other student activities.
  • Tutorials, workshops, demonstrations, government listening sessions, social and networking opportunities, professional field trips …and much, much more

Read more about OCEANS on the official website.

../common/calendar Start Date: 6/16/19

Ocean Obs 19

"As part of the decadal conference series, OceanObs’19 will galvanize the ocean observing community ranging from scientists to end users. OceanObs’19 seeks to improve response to scientific and societal needs of a fit-for-purpose integrated ocean observing system, for better understanding the environment of the Earth, monitoring climate, and informing adaptation strategies as well as the sustainable use of ocean resources."

Visit the conference homepage for further information.

../common/calendar Start Date: 9/15/19


"Goldschmidt is the foremost annual, international conference on geochemistry and related subjects, organised by the European Association of Geochemistry and the Geochemical Society.

Please sign up to the mailing list to receive email updates."

Visit the conference homepage for further information.

../common/calendar Start Date: 8/17/19

IUGG General Assembly

"The 27th IUGG General Assembly will be held July 8-18, 2019 at the Palais des Congrès in Montréal, Québec, Canada. This is a special opportunity for participants from Canada and from around the world to come together and share their science and culture. 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of IUGG; we will look back on the accomplishments of the previous century of Earth and space science research, and forward to the next century of scientific advancement. Join us for a host of scientific activities, including special public lectures, keynote Union lectures and a wide variety of themed sessions. [...]"

Visit the conference homepage for further information.

../common/calendar Start Date: 7/7/19

IMBeR Open Science Conference

"Future Oceans2 is the second IMBeR Open Science Conference and will provide an opportunity to join world leading researchers to present advances in science from all disciplines that contribute towards –

ocean sustainability for the benefit of society: understanding, challenges, and solutions

In addition to delivering an update of the pertinent science, Future Oceans2 will foster productive inter-and trans-disciplinary discussions and provide a forum to strategically map future research directions. Within this context, Future Oceans2 is based around three interlinked themes –

  • Theme 1. Understanding and quantifying the state and variability of marine ecosystems;
  • Theme 2. Improving scenarios, predictions and projections of future ocean-human systems at multiple scales; and
  • Theme 3. Improving and achieving sustainable ocean governance.

Future Oceans2 will be an exciting mix of talks (keynote, research, and contributed -up to 10 concurrent sessions each day), posters, workshops, focus groups, world cafés, and other innovative formats to engage delegates. The conference will be preceded by two days of workshops."

Visit the conference homepage for further information.

../common/calendar Start Date: 6/16/19

SOLAS Open Science Conference

"The Surface Ocean–Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) is an international and interdisciplinary research project on biogeochemical-physical air-sea interactions and processes. With its Open Science Conference, SOLAS offers the ideal programme for scientists who wish to learn and exchange about cutting edge research in the field and present their own findings. A special event dedicated to Early Career Scientists is being organised. More information soon here! "
../common/calendar Start Date: 4/20/19

EGU General Assembly 2019

"The EGU General Assembly 2019, taking place in Vienna (Austria) on 7–12 April 2019, will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The deadline for abstract submission is 10 January 2019, 13:00 CET or, for those applying for EGU Roland Schlich travel support, 1 December 2018, 13:00 CET. All 2019 EGU members will be able to submit abstracts to the 2019 meeting. With a few exceptions, only one abstract as a first author will be permitted. "

Visit the conference homepage for further information.

../common/calendar Start Date: 4/6/19

OceanVisions 2019 - CLIMATE

"The OceanVisions2019 - Climate Summit "Successes in resilience, adaptation, mitigation, and sustainability" is co-organized by researchers at Georgia Tech, Stanford University, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and the Smithsonian Institution in coordination with the IOC-UNESCO, the Ocean Conservancy and Georgia Aquarium. The goal is to highlight ocean-based science and engineering successes in the areas of resilience, adaptation, mitigation and sustainability and promote scalable solutions across human, climate and ecological dimensions."

Visit the conference homepage for further information.

../common/calendar Start Date: 3/31/19

2018 AGU Fall Meeting

The Fall Meeting 2018 is a unique opportunity to highlight the latest discoveries, insights, and advances for our global community of Earth and space scientists, and at the same time to raise appreciation of the value and impact of our science among world leaders in Washington, D.C.

The 2018 meeting also marks the beginning of AGU’s Centennial in 2019, a time to reflect on the meaning of a century of discovery and to look ahead to the essential contributions that our science will make to understanding our world, informing policy decisions, sparking innovation, and protecting the health and welfare of people everywhere.

Please view the list of Centennial focused sessions as well as sessions submitted to the newly formed formed GeoHealth Section.

Key Milestones

  • Session Proposal and Tutorial Talk Acceptance Notifications: mid-June 2018
  • Early abstract submission deadline: 25 July 2018, 11:59 PM EDT
  • Abstract and Town Hall Submission Deadline: 1 August 2018, 11:59 PM EDT
  • Scientific Program Released and Abstract and Sessions’ Scheduled Days/Times Notifications Sent: 1 October 2018


Get more information about the meeting on the official homepage.

../common/calendar Start Date: 12/9/18

2018 AGU Fall Meeting

Submit an Abstract to this highly topical AGU Fall Meeting Session:
OS010: Declining Ocean Oxygen from Estuaries to the Open Ocean: Scientific Causes and Management Implications

Conveners: Jim Ammerman/Long Island Sound Study, and Jim O'Donnell/University of Connecticut

Meeting is December 10-14, 2018 in Washington, DC; Abstract Deadline is August 1, 2018

GOOS Webinar: GO2NE by Marilaure Gregoire

Deoxygenation in the global and coastal ocean: challenges of observing and modelling low oxygen zones

Dr Marilaure Grégoire, University of Liège

Tuesday 19 June, 13:00 GMT/UTC

Click this link to join the webinar to register and be reminded to join at the appropriate time.

"The IOC-Unesco Global Ocean Oxygen Network (GO2NE)
Since about 1960, ocean deoxygenation is occurring in the coastal and global ocean and is expected to worsen in a warming world with consequences on living organisms and on regional and global budgets of essential elements. Better understanding of the deoxygenation process can be achieved by access to accurate observations and to furthering the reliability and coupling capabilities of physical, biogeochemical, plankton and benthic foodweb, and upper trophic level models. Rapid advancement is being made in each of the modeling types, as well as in how best to couple them, in order to generate "climate to fish" models (e.g. Rose et al. 2010) that include oxygen effects.  [...]"

More information about the webinar series >>.

../common/calendar Start Date: 6/19/18

Ocean Deoxygenation Conference Deadline

This is a quick reminder that the abstract submission deadline for the Ocean Deoxygenation Conference ends tomorrow Saturday, 14th April 2018 at 23.59h.

[GERMAN] Sauerstoff im Ozean – Weniger, noch weniger, weg

Meeresworkshop für Jugendliche

9.–13. April 2018, GEOMAR Kiel

Neue Forschungsergebnisse des Sonderforschungsbereichs 754 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft weisen darauf hin, dass die Sauerstoffgehalte in einigen Regionen des Pazifischen und Atlantischen Ozeans in mittleren Tiefen allmählich abnehmen. Die Forschenden aus den Bereichen der Meeresbiologie, Chemie, Physik und Geologie vermuten hierbei eine Wechselwirkung zwischen der Klimaänderung und der Ausbreitung dieser sauerstoffarmen Zonen im Meer.

Das GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel veranstaltet zu diesem Thema einen

1-wöchigen Osterworkshop für Jugendliche im Alter von 14-17 Jahren.

Der Kurs für 12 Teilnehmer findet am GEOMAR in der zweiten Woche der Schleswig-Holsteinischen Osterferien statt, ganztägig vom 9. bis 13. April 2018.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


../common/calendar Start Date: 4/9/18

PICES 4th International Symposium: Extended deadline for abstract submission

The 4th International Symposium on The Effects of Climate Change on the Worlds Oceans has extended it's abstract submission deadline to January 12, 2018. You can find more information about abstract submission following this link


2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting

The 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting will be held 11-16 February 2018 at the Oregon Convention Center, located at 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, OR 97232. Cosponsored by AGU, ASLO, and TOS, the Ocean Sciences Meeting program will span a broad array of marine science topics.

Portland, Oregon’s largest city, sits on the Columbia and Willamette rivers, in the shadow of snow-capped Mount Hood. Portland is known for their eccentric locals, sophisticated yet cosmopolitan atmosphere and eco-friendly culture. It is the perfect venue for the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting.

Click here for further information on this meeting.

../common/calendar Start Date: 2/10/18


The PIRATA acronym, originally defined as “Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic” in 1997, has been changed in 2008 to “Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic”. PIRATA is a multinational observation network, established to improve our knowledge and understanding of ocean-atmosphere variability in the tropical Atlantic. It is a joint project of Brazil, France and the United States of America. For more information, visit the main PIRATA web site, including data display and delivery.

Click here for further information on this event.


../common/calendar Start Date: 11/4/17

5th International Conference on Oceanography and Marine Biology

Theme: Contemporary challenges and innovative solutions for sustainable oceans


ConferenceSeries Ltd invites all the scholars from all over the world to attend and present their respective scientific research at ' 5th International Conference on Oceanography and Marine Biology October 18-20, 2017 Seoul, South Korea’ during October 18-20, 2017 Seoul, South Korea which includes prompt Keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, Delegate views and Exhibitions.

Oceanography Congress is providing a global platform to discuss and learn about Marine Sciences, Marine Biology, Marine Geology, and Marine Oceanography, Marine ecology to exchange their knowledge, experience and research innovations. The aim of Marine Science Conferences is to create a platform for strong exchange of the recent advancement and technologies towards Marine Oceanography and Marine Biology.

Click here for further information on this event.

../common/calendar Start Date: 10/17/17

PICES - 4th International Symposium

The Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans


The 4th International Symposium will bring together experts from around the world to better understand climate impacts on ocean ecosystems – and how to respond. 

The Symposium will:

  • Highlight the latest information on how oceans are changing, what is at risk and how to respond;
  • Identify key knowledge gaps;
  • Promote collaborations; and
  • Stimulate the next generation of science and actions

The Symposium will include:

  • Great sessions, presentations, and posters
  • Opportunities for pre- or post-meeting workshops
  • Special events for early career scientists
  • Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities

Key Topic Areas:

  • Characterization of ocean changes and the climate-ocean system
  • Extreme and abrupt changes in ocean systems
  • Impacts of changing climate on ocean physical, chemical and biological conditions
  • Impacts of changing climate on ocean-dependent sectors, societies and economies
  • Responding to climate-related changes in ocean conditions – Governance, institutional and sectoral adaptations
  • Advancing methods to project climate-related impacts in ocean ecosystems


For further information please visit the event's homepage.


../common/calendar Start Date: 6/4/18

Reminder: SFB 754 International Conference

The distribution of oxygen in the ocean is controlled by physical, biogeochemical and biological processes. Both the supply and consumption of oxygen are sensitive to climate change in ways that are not fully understood.

Recent observations suggest that the oxygen content of the ocean is declining (ocean de­oxy­genation) and that oxygen minimum zones and coastal hypoxia sites are expanding with tremendous effects on the ocean’s ecosystems and living organisms.

This conference will:

  • focus on the past, present and future state of oxygen in the ocean on global, regional and local scales
  • nalyse mechanisms and feedbacks critical to identify natural and anthropogenic causes of oxygen variability
  • determine impacts on biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems

The call for submission opens December 2017.


More information:

SFB 754 International Conference


The distribution of oxygen in the ocean is controlled by physical, biogeochemical and biological processes. Both the supply and consumption of oxygen are sensitive to climate change in ways that are not fully understood.

Recent observations suggest that the oxygen content of the ocean is declining (ocean de­oxy­genation) and that oxygen minimum zones and coastal hypoxia sites are expanding with tremendous effects on the ocean’s ecosystems and living organisms.

This conference:

  • focused on the past, present and future state of oxygen in the ocean on global, regional and local scales
  • analysed mechanisms and feedbacks critical to identify natural and anthropogenic causes of oxygen variability
  • determined impacts on biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems

More information:

../common/calendar Start Date: 9/3/18

AGU fall meeting 2017

../common/calendar Start Date: 12/10/17

Good Hope For Earth Sciences, IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Joint Assembly

"The Local Organising Committee is thrilled to welcome you to the 2017 Joint IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Assembly in Cape Town, South Africa. The Joint Assembly, endorsed by the University of Cape Town and the South African Department of Science and Technology, will take place from 27 August to 1 September 2017 at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC)."

Read more about the 2017 Joint IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Assembly.

Sessions related to this websites context:

Session P03: Deoxygenation and de- nitrification, Convenors: Wajih Naqvik, Bo Thamdrup 


../common/calendar Start Date: 8/26/17

Goldschmidt 2017

"The Goldschmidt Conferences® were started in 1988 by the international Geochemical Society (GS) to provide a forum for its members to discuss their latest research. The conference is named in honour of Victor M. Goldschmidt (1888 - 1947), whose classification of the behaviour of the elements in the Earth and meteorites laid the basis of modern geochemistry. Each year, the conference brings together thousands of scientists from throughout the world to talk about subjects including the origin of the Earth and planets, the chemical processes that have shaped Earth's evolution over time, the interconnections between life and the physical world, the search for new resources, and the environmental challenges facing today's world."

Read more about the Goldschmidt Conference 2017

../common/calendar Start Date: 8/12/17


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